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Correcting Credit Reporting Errors

By Law Office of Abel L. ÐÂ91ÔÚÏßapp, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Your credit rating is very important when you need to obtain credit for something important and if you have a negative on your credit report you will want to remove it as soon as possible. Just one mistake can make a huge difference in your overall credit rating, so you will want to know how to go about removing that negative so your credit rating can rise.

The first thing you need to do is pull a copy of all three of your credit reports – one from each credit reporting bureau, Equifax, Transunion and Experian. Then check out the information that is on each of those three reports. If you do find an error, you need to take steps to have those errors corrected and removed and deleted. Here’s how to remove an erroneous negative entry on your credit report to raise your credit rating

All three of the credit reporting companies have online forms that you can complete when you have a negative entry on your credit report. Don’t use these forms. It’s much easier to just gather your information proving that the negative is incorrect and write a letter to the credit bureau. Documentation can be a receipt showing payment was made, a bill showing a negative balance, or a letter from the creditor saying that the bill has, indeed, been settled.

Then send your letter to the credit bureau via certified mail with a return receipt requested so you know the bureau did receive your letter. They will review your information and notify you of their decision. If it is in your favor, you will once again, need to get a copy of your credit report so you can verify that the negative has been removed.

If you have a negative credit rating right now, there’s no way that you can completely erase that negative. What you can do, however, is take steps to raise it. How do you remove a negative credit rating? Please know that it will take time and effort on your part, but the first thing to do is to take steps to pay down your credit card debt and make any other payments on a timely basis.

You may want to look into a debt consolidation loan so that you pay off your old creditors. The advantage to this is that you will be making just one payment to one company instead of multiple payments to multiple companies. Plus, it will reflect positively on your credit report and show that you are taking steps toward removing your negative credit rating nd trying to raise your credit score through smart financial practices.

There’s not much to know when it comes to knowing how to remove a negative credit rating. It just takes time however some credit reports are not repaired so easily. If you have a credit repair or credit reporting error issue, call or email the Law Office of Abel L. ÐÂ91ÔÚÏßapp, Attorney at Law, P.C. today! We will put our 15 years of experience to work for you! Although we are great attorneys our EVERYONE can afford our payment plans!
